>> event planning articles > Use marquee loading lists to avoid forgetting things
Use marquee loading lists to avoid forgetting things
We used to limit ourselves to putting up marquees within an hours drive of our yard with a few exceptions – one was a wedding in St Albans (about 3 hours drive) which the bride insisted we do as we did such a good job for her sister local to us the previous year.
Imagine our absolute joy when we came to erect the marquee and found we were one vital part missing (an apex knuckle -10 years later I still remember it was an apex knuckle..).
Even if you’re doing a job 15 mins away if you forget something then it screws everything up, you have lads waiting round unable to get on and it can make the day drag on and on.
The solution? Loading lists. Write up exactly what you need for each size marquee and include things like: steps, sledgehammer, anything else you need on every job. Laminate it. Tick off every item with a whiteboard marker every time you have to load up. This also allows more than one person to load up without confusion over who should be loading what.
Thanks for reading